Just thought as I now have two X series that I should introduce the whole fleet to you;
First up is the E53 3.0i. I have owned it for coming up for three years. I love the beast, although it does have a drink problem.

The latest addition is the X3 3.0dSE. A different beast from the X5 but with the 3.0 diesel is a wonderful motor. Not that I have yet had much chance the drive it.
This little 323i I have had now for 34 years and is the show car.
The 116d is my second one. The first one drowned in France at 6 months old and this is the replacement. It has just 16k on it to date.
This 320iSE was purchased 14 years ago for a mere £70. Looking a little worse for wear these days but still a good hoot to drive.
The 240 is one previous owner and just 115k on from new. I bought it in 2015 for towing.
Finally the little Punto my wife uses. Bought new in 2012 and still only 22k on it.
I think one or two of these may well be advertised soon as I have run out of room. The X5 is currently advertised but I may keep that and sell something else. The 323 is not for sale, whatever...