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Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:17 pm
by AW8
Well done Penny, ( not meant to be as patronising as this perhaps reads). I had this issue myself albeit a good while ago now & it seems to have sorted itself.

I had thought this problem was poor connection at ribbons into back of the screen - an encouraging tap to the screen suround seemed to resolve mine when it was an intermitent issue. Definitely seems to be connection issue rather than a screen issue.

I seem to reacall reading someone doing something similar to what you've done but also re-seating the ribbon cables in back of the screen. If it plays up again you may need to carefully remove , clean & resit ribbons.........I don't know if ribbons are purcaseable seperately.

Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:46 pm
by Rusty
[quote=""ITBarbie""]Very interesting Xman I will have a go.

I've spent a day calling round auto electricians and they say the best thing for me to do is find a friendly x5 owner that will let me swap the screen for 5 mins to see if it's that. Mine is permanently yuk colored now. New second hand screen £300 and if I don't get the b!@!!y thing fixed I'm going to have no choice.

Geezer bird is going in the back again today to check out the connections.

Thanks Xman :-)


I have now gone into the back and replicated what Sanj did re connectors and used some contact spray but no difference. Disconnected the intravee and again no joy so set about taking the head unit apart as per instructions from another forum. God knows what I was going to do with it but I did it anyway. I had a look used some compressed air to clear dust and prodded ribbon cable to make sure it was firm. Looked at it a bit more then put it back together and hey presto its back. Lets just see how long for this time. If it goes now at least when I lash out £300 I know I tried :rofl:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/quote]

Nice one Penny, hope it stays working for you, and like you said, at least you've tried.

If you do end up getting another, maybe you could re-strip the old one and have a real good look for the problem or let someone else have a look for you.

Anyway, well done :-)

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Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:17 pm
by Sanj
Hi Penny,

Thought you had the ribbon out already? Sorry I didn't mention that, thinking you'd tried already.

Mine was playing up last year and I did both the ribbon and the TV Module connectors to be sure. No probs... yet!

If you get screen issues you can buy JUST the LCD screen on it's own. I posted on the old forum (don't think it's on this one). Will try to dig the info out if useful to anyone. Cost about £70 to £100 and is a straight swap with a simple connector.

Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:35 pm
by ITBarbie
Cool Sanj that's just the kind of info I was looking for! Sorry what I meant when I said I had cables out before was the two plugs the blue one and White one at back. They were the ones I was cleaning. I just poked the ribbon today to make sure it was seated but I didn't take the screen off completely as I lost my nerve!

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Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:24 pm
by CondorX5
Good one Penny, hope it stays ok this time. I thought it had something to do with the ribbon cables hence my previous post about changing them or pulling off completely and reseating. :thumbsup:

Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:33 am
by X5Sport
Glad it's sorted Penny,

If you have a look on Xoutpost, there was a long thread on actually replacing the actual screen only. I think it's a unit made by Sharp and can be bought separately. I can't remember the details and I'm on the other side of the World at present. WiFi is expensive here, and mobile data is scary!!

The views are good though :D

I think the thread was in the Navigation section. Hopefully you won't need it, but if the the trick with the ribbon does not work for others, it may be the next choice before letting Ebay or BMW loose on your bank account!

Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:54 am
by ITBarbie

I actually used that how to when taking it apart and found it very useful :-)

Just goes to show it's not always the screen and could just be the cables.

I just hope it stays fixed!


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Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:34 pm
by RichardP
[quote=""x man""][quote=""ITBarbie""]
Running out of puff and may try shopping about for a second hand one unless anyone has any ideas?
Penny [/quote]

Hi penny,

This is just a shot in the dark but i notice from your signature you have folding mirrors enabled with intravee
which means you have updated the firmware on your intravee to V6.02-4629 . Recently i enquired about the extra
features that can be enabled via the intravee and got the following reply from intravee support ......

" Attached is the latest Beta firmware V6.02-4629. This firmware is still in Beta and has a significant number of low level changes as well as other more obvious changes compared to the release build. It is possible that you may find some issues, most likely screen redraw problems. If you do find any problems please let us know and we'll try to fix them as soon as possible "

Could it be possible the updated firmware has caused your screen to behave the way it does. It does seem from their reply
there are issues (screen redraw) with the beta firmware.

For those that have intravee installed with the updated beta firmware and are experiencing screen problems may
want to disconnect it for a little while to see if you get your screen back to normal.

Like i said just shooting in the dark here but could be worth trying. Please report back as keen to update my intravee.[/quote]

The Intravee can't cause problems like the one Penny describes, it has no connection to the video circuitry. The redraw problems referred to are things like text items not being updated when the track changes not fundamental problems affecting the entire monitor.

It would be worth narrowing down the problem a little, just to make sure it is the monitor. Do you have Traffic Master Penny? If so, bypass it by connecting the blue plug that goes into it from the car loom directly to the TV module. If you don't have TM, or that makes no difference, try connecting the Nav computer directly to the blue TV connector. You'll have to remove the Nav and connect it up without the GPS antenna connected, but it will help eliminate another module from the equation.

Another possibility is the back light to the TFT screen, these do fail over time, it's possible it's just on it's way out. Replacing the TFT screen is not hard if you've got as far as checking the ribbon cables. I have a spare TFT screen that someone removed the reflective coating from, but it still works, you're welcome to try it if you want.

Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:43 pm
by jason@bwchiptune
If you need a screen just let me know as I have a spare here

Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:05 pm
by ITBarbie
Thanks Jason and Richard for the heads up. It's been brilliant since the ribbon cable reseat but will definitely consider a screen only replacement if I get issues again. Thanks everybody once again.

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Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:00 am
by x555
Hi Penny'
Sorry to drag an old thread up but mine is completley gone dull now and i even get the 'turd' colour every now and then :headbang:
Is yours still ok Penny ....if so i will try the cables and ribbon fix on the back of the screen.
Ohh well at least this won't be an oily greasy job :D

Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:54 am
by Turks
It won't be long before you have a completely brand new car with all the work you have had to do recently! :poke:


Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:47 am
by kena
Mines still on the blink. One day it's perfect the next it's all washed out.
Anything that is normally yellow is white and other colours looked washed out.
I have cleaned the connections on the TV module but haven't had the time yet to try the ribbon cables behind the screen.
It always seems to be OK on wet/damp days and washed out when it's dry and sunny. :?

Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:07 pm
by Sanj
Kena/x555 - do the ribbon,ine went about 2 months ago, cleaned them and now fine again.

Re: Can they diagnose screen problems?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:28 pm
by petert
Not what you'll want to hear, I'm sure, but I had this fault and the dealer changed out the screen under warranty. Fault never returned so I judge it was indeed the screen, though I suppose it's feasible that they changed some cables at the same time (or disturbed any crud on the connections - though my view is that crud problems will eventually recur)
Peter T