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Prevent door dings/bumps

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:38 pm
by Londoner
Need some advice please.

The X6 is a nightmare in car parks. I always drive to the furtherest corner of a car park and take up as many spaces as possible to stop other drivers parking next to me, and opening their car doors into mine.

Any recommendations on door strips etc.

I have thought about a protective film on all the doors but this costs around £900 for a decent one and I want to try to avoid spending that much if possible.

Re: Prevent door dings/bumps

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:50 pm
by X5Sport
I know what you mean!!  I haven't found anything yet either.

I park 'wide' to make sure the gap is OK.  Of course with a rugrat aboard we try to use the appropriate spaces if there are any.

It does annoy me that there are often dozens of empty disabled bays and all the parent ones are full because there are only 6 in a 2,000 space shopping centre car park.  There must be a better way of assigning the bays between disabled and parent.  Unless of course that is also Government controlled!

Home delivery service anyone?

Re: Prevent door dings/bumps

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:05 pm
by Caesium
Park at an angle over two spaces, that's what I do.

Don't care if it pisses people off, it saves my doors from morons.

Re: Prevent door dings/bumps

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:52 pm
by snipez999
Round these parts that would draw you a parking ticket unfortunately

Re: Prevent door dings/bumps

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:59 pm
by Londoner
I was hoping that my running boards would have prevented other car doors form coming into contact with my doors but unfortunately they don't come out far enough.

Surely there must be some sort of horizontal black rubber strip I can I place on my doors. I know it won't look fantastic but neither will 50 tiny doors marks everywhere.

If manufactures put rubber on the end of every car door no one will ever have this problem..!

Re: Prevent door dings/bumps

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:59 am
by Nat

This is a massive bug bear of mine. I regularly see women / kids open their car door and shove it open with their feet and ding the car next door.
I saw one woman walking in between parked cars last saturday and the metal buckle on her coat was merrily clanking its way along the side of every car she walked past. Naturally she was totally oblivious or just didn't give a fk. You could clearly hear it and she was bovd . Whenever I park I take a picture of the cars either side. I know its no deterrent, but given we regularly go to the same places, there is a good chance to see the offending vehicle again and either having a word or just taking revenge ( a door for a door or a chin for a door ). You could always go look at cctv but may not be caught on it and its extreme agro for a ding.
Bottom line is people dont care and parking as suggested taking up 2 spaces is a £60 fine my way. I would be interested to know what would happen if you did take up 2 spaces but you bought 2 tickets . ? All you can do is park as far away as possible from everyone else. Clear plastic film may well save your paint , but it wont stop the door from being dented and its not cheap. May be worth a go.
Car parks need to make spaces wider, but given they are all about making money it will never happen , + too many people out there can't drive properly anyway and the majority of people just dont give a fk.

Re: Prevent door dings/bumps

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:03 pm
by X5Sport
Same issue with parking spaces as with new build house garages.  Cars are 25% bigger on average than 20 years ago but the regulations for cap parks and building regs haven't caught up.

Some car parks which have opened more recently are better, but older ones are too narrow unless you have a Fiat 500.


Re: Prevent door dings/bumps

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:23 pm
by shadrack
what pisses me off is i park 100 yards away, theres 200 spare spaces and some tit parks next to me ::), £900 is alot for film as said it will still dent and thats alot of painting, problem is as said spaces are too narrow and peolpe cant drive and dont care, i once had a go at some woman fat as heel slammed her door into my x5, she almost found it funny from their £200 shitter, i would go as far as to say some do it on purpose though jealousy or what ever when they have a shitter

Re: Prevent door dings/bumps

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:00 am
by X Box
Real bug bear of mine. I think it started after buying a new 330d years ago and stopping quickly for some bread/milk and my son was aslppe in the car so the wife popped into the shop. I saw a space, on an end, next to a nice Audi so though I'd park there. The guy comes back to the Audi with shopping bags but flicks the rear door open with his foot really hard and leaves a dent.

I pointed out the aforementioned dent and he ran off! I waited and he came back and said he thought I just wanted money off him!! I pointed out that I wanted it fixed and his insurance paid in the end.

From then on (this was '00) I still can't stand to see parking dings. I'm mega careful where I park, much to the mockery of friends and family!!

I do think some do it all the more out of jealousy but others are just careless. Maybe I'm getting old but I was bought up to respect other people's property and that's how I teach my kids too.